Why does the spring mattress sink?

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The sagging of a mattress not only compromises comfort, but can also negatively influence the quality of sleep and posture. Understanding the reasons behind subsidence is crucial to effectively preventing a problem that affects countless people.

Why does the spring mattress sink?

Having a spring mattress that sags is something that can happen over time for a variety of reasons.

One of the main causes of sinking is the natural wear and tear (and, in a way, almost inevitable) resulting from continuous use of the mattress. The springs that make up the support base can lose their firmness and elasticity over time, especially in the most used areas of the mattress.

But not only! A spring mattress will also sink if it is not rotated/turned frequently! Despite being a super easy practice to prevent the mattress from sinking, it is probably one of the most neglected.

Turn and/or rotate the mattress is a recommended procedure to ensure more uniform wear and prevent pressure build-up in specific areas. A mattress that is not turned and/or rotated frequently can lead to uneven weight distribution and, consequently, the sinking of certain areas of the mattress. Furthermore, this is a practice that increases the durability of the mattress!

Lower quality spring mattresses may also be more susceptible to sagging. Low durability materials can accelerate the process of mattress wear, making them more likely to show signs of sagging sooner than they otherwise would. Check our quality models.

Therefore, to extend the useful life of a spring mattress and minimize the risk of sinking, it is very important to follow all manufacturer's instructions, rotate/turn as recommended and invest in quality mattresses that offer long-term durability. 

Body weight matters!

The variation in body weight is also directly linked to the sinking of spring mattresses. The impact of body weight on the springs is not only reflected in the durability of the mattress, but can also be a crucial factor in maintaining adequate support during sleep.

People with higher weight will likely notice faster wear in areas of the mattress where the body exerts more concentrated pressure. The springs located in these regions can lose resistance over time, causing the mattress to sink. On the other hand, lighter bodies do not put as much pressure on the springs, prolonging the mattress's useful life.

Furthermore, the different sleep patterns and positions They play an important role in distributing the weight on the mattress. If a certain area of ​​the mattress is used more frequently and supports more weight than others, it may cause uneven wear, leading to sinking in that region.

If a significant portion of body weight or pressure during sleep is concentrated in the center, the mattress will automatically sink in the middle. This aspect is especially common in couples, as it is in the center of the mattress that most of the weight is concentrated. 

People who change sleeping positions frequently can, on the other hand, distribute their weight more evenly across the mattress. However, even these dynamic sleeping patterns can lead to mattress sagging if it is not rotated and/or turned to compensate for accumulated wear and tear.

What are the best solutions to prevent the mattress from sinking?

There are several practical solutions that can help prevent spring mattresses from sinking, providing not only immediate relief, but also helping to extend the durability of the mattress. 

Although it is not possible, for example, to fix a mattress that has sunk in the middle, it is possible to avoid or delay the problem. 

Among the solutions, the use of mattress toppers, support pillows and other products designed to improve comfort and correct sagging problems stands out.

  • High Density Foam Mattresses: Opting for high-density foam mattresses can be an alternative. These mattresses, often made of Memory Foam or latex, they offer a more even distribution of body weight and can better resist wear and tear over time.
  • Turn and rotate regularly: Turning and rotating the mattress according to the manufacturer's recommendations is essential to prevent sagging. This simple practice helps ensure that wear and tear is evenly distributed across all areas of the mattress.
  • Contact the manufacturer: In more severe cases, it is advisable to contact the manufacturer to obtain specific guidance. Some brands offer warranty or replacement conditions for mattresses that present problems with sinking within the stipulated period.


Invest in a Topper!

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Whether for hygiene reasons or natural wear and tear that occurs over time, mattresses go through a process of deterioration, losing their initial firmness and adaptability. 


Toppers, as true allies of comfort, come into play to improve the characteristics of mattresses that are still in good condition. 

Functioning as a kind of cover for the mattress (since it is placed on it), a topper provides a additional layer of cushioning and support. It's a great option to help avoid (or disguise) small sags, providing a more uniform and comfortable sleeping surface.


Are you looking for a mattress that doesn’t deform? We have the solution!

While all mattresses will eventually experience some degree of wear and tear over time, there are some specific types of mattresses and materials that tend to be more resistant to deformation. 

Mattresses made from high density foam have a higher concentration of material, which generally results in greater resistance to sinking and deformation. High-density foam provides longer-lasting support and is known to maintain its shape for longer.




Choose mattresses high quality pocket springs can reduce the risk of deformation. This type of mattress is designed to minimize motion transfer and provide individualized support. 


At Colmol, our priority is the satisfaction of those looking to improve their night's rest through effective and quality products. Our team of Sleep Specialists provides personalized advice daily, adapted to the needs of each client who seeks us. 

If you are looking for this specialized help, you can contact us directly at::

  • call +351 300 600 110
  • or send us your questions to suporte@colmol.pt


We are always available to help you… and your sleep 🧡


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