

Viscoelastic Cradle Mattress

Baby mattress with viscoelastic, which envelops the baby's body, providing restorative rest.
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O melhor para ti é Viscoelastic Cradle Mattress

Baby mattress with viscoelastic, which envelops the baby's body, providing restorative rest.

Baby on the way? This is the ideal mattress.

This choice is just one of the steps to ensure a comfortable and safe environment during your baby's sleep.

Technical specifications

Choose the best wrapping for the baby. Open cell foams for better airflow, memory foam comfort, excellent thermal control.

Measurements and Dimensions

14 cm height

Perfect fit

Obtained by the Stretch fabric that provides an optimized fit to the mattress.


Hypoallergenic fibers for a better adaptation to the body, constant maintenance of the mattress temperature and not to cause allergies

Viscoelastic Mattress

Allows the relief of body pressure, while supporting the spine in an orthopedic way. It has a smooth reception and increases the child's sleep quality. Ideal for babies who love to feel snuggled and sleep on their side.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
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Muito bom

António Roldão
Colchão de cama bebé

Ótima relação qualidade preço.

Juliana Guedes Carvalho
Colchão Berço

Ótima qualidade.
Ótima relação qualidade preço

Ricardo Jorge Guerreiro
Excelente qualidade

Na procura por um colchão se berço que cumprisse todos os parâmetros indicados pela pediatra e pela terapeuta do sono vimos diferentes marcas, todos com soluções muito boas, mas apenas a Colmol apresentou um colchão de excelente qualidade com um preço imbatível. A isto se junta a facilidade de compra junto da loja em Campolide que fez a encomenda à fábrica e em pouco mais de uma semana o colchão estava pronto e entregue.

Elsa Maria Carneiro

Plenamente satisfeita

We make your choice even easier


How do I know the mattress size recommended for me?

We recommend 10 cm more than the height of the tallest person sleeping on the mattress. So, if you measure 190cm you should choose a 200 cm mattress.

The higher the foam mattress, the higher the density?

The height of the mattress alone has nothing to do with density. The height of the mattress will transmit grandeur and beauty to your room. The density will depend on the amount of raw material used in this mattress. For example: For a person of average height, a 12 cm D30 mattress will support our body better than a 22 cm D20 mattress.

What is the difference between a spring mattress and a foam mattress?

The spring mattress has the characteristic of allowing high comfort, resistance, breathability and durability for people with greater weight. When the mattress has good quality the durability is much greater than the foam mattress.

Should a mattress be firm or soft?

The firmness level of the mattress that is right for you usually depends on your body type, sleeping position and personal preference. Some people prefer to sleep on a softer surface, while others need the support of a medium-firm mattress to avoid back pain. Generally, a mattress that is too firm can inhibit circulation, while a soft mattress does not sufficiently support the lower back and shoulder area. Most people adapt well with a mattress described as medium-firm.

What is the advantage of the rolled mattress?

Once produced, the foam or bagged spring mattress is vacuum-rolled and placed in a specially designed box for easy transport. Benefits of this type of packaging: