How to choose mattress size? Everything you need to know

The right mattress is always the one that adapts to you and your habits. That's why we're here to give you the best tips so you can make an easy decision.

Size is, without a doubt, the most important part to consider when choosing a mattress. If the choice is not the right one and the mattress does not adapt to your body, the quality of your sleep will decrease. 

This decision should always be made taking into account your drinking habits. I am and your body type.

Because it's not at all comfortable to sleep in a bed that's too small for you, right?

What are the most common mattress measurements?

There is a wide variety of options to suit different needs. Among the most common mattress measurements, in Portugal, single/double mattress measurements stand out.

You single mattresses, often used in individual or guest rooms, generally have dimensions of 90 cm x 190 cm or 90 cm x 200 cm. These mattress sizes are a great option for smaller rooms/spaces.

We already double mattresses, common dimensions are 140 cm x 190 cm, 150 cm x 190 cm and 180 cm x 200 cm. This diversity of options allows you to choose the size that best suits your space, personal preferences and lifestyle.

Furthermore, there are some additional options, such as Queen Size, King Size and Super King mattresses: the ideal choice for those looking for a more generous space for shared sleep.

How to choose the mattress size? 

When choosing the ideal mattress size, you must take into account some personal factors that can directly influence the quality of sleep and your comfort. Answering some fundamental questions can guide you in this decision, and ensure that the size of the mattress matches your needs.

Do you sleep alone or share a bed?

  • If you sleep alone, an individual-sized mattress can be a practical choice, optimizing space in the bedroom.
  • If you share a bed, also evaluate your partner's space preferences. A double or larger mattress may be best suited to provide enough space for both of you to move around comfortably during the night.

What is the size of your room?

  • Measure the available space in your room to determine the maximum size the mattress should have, without compromising the aesthetics and functionality of the space.
  • Pay attention to the arrangement of other furniture in the room - such as the wardrobe and bedside tables - to ensure there is enough space for circulation.

Do you prefer more space to move around during the night?

  • Evaluate your sleeping and movement style at night. If you like having space to stretch your arms and legs, a larger mattress - such as Queen or King Size - may be the most appropriate size.
  • On the other hand, if you prefer to sleep cozily and find it easy to adapt to more compact spaces, a standard size mattress may be sufficient.

By answering these questions, you will be able to make more informed decisions about the ideal mattress size, ensuring not only a restful night's sleep, but also a harmonious adaptation to your bedroom environment and your individual preferences and needs.

Do you sleep alone? Accompanied? Discover the ideal mattress size 

Thanks to the wide variety of sizes available, it is possible to customize the choice of mattress size to ensure a comfortable and invigorating night's sleep.

Still, if you have difficulty understanding which mattress size is ideal for you, we will help you! The way you sleep (alone or with someone) could be a good starting point.

I sleep alone

If this is your case, you should know what measurements are recommended for your single mattress, which is the type of mattress you will need. There are several options:

90 x 190 cm

This mattress is a standard size, and is the smallest available for adults.

It can be used on bunk beds and is compatible with all bed bases, with or without platform.

If you have a small bedroom or live in a studio, this mattress is a good option, and it is also the cheapest in the entire range.

90 x 195 cm

If you prefer a small mattress, but not the smallest, we suggest this intermediate mattress size with a few centimeters more, which can make all the difference.

90 x 200 cm

Do you sleep alone but like to feel “out there”? Then this could be the right move for you. 

This type of mattress will give you greater freedom of movement, without neglecting comfort. It's the perfect combination between a single mattress and more space.

If you're over 1.85 m tall and you want to feel like you're in the clouds, this is a good solution.

I sleep with someone else

If you sleep with another person, it is very important that you think about the various factors that should influence this choice:

  • Room dimensions
  • body shape
  • How they sleep together
  • Type of mattress you like most 

In this sense, here we present some of the double mattress measurements so that you can choose wisely:

140 x 190 cm

This is the smallest mattress size in the double mattress range. Therefore, even if you are single and like space, this is a good option.

If your room is small, but you sleep with a partner, this is also the right choice.

140 x 200 cm

If you meet the requirements for the previous mattress measurement, but your height or that of the person sleeping with you is considerable, then it is best to opt for this solution.

We know that sleeping on a small mattress can be a real pain. nightmare for those who are tall!

But, if, on the other hand, you sleep with your children or pets, this mattress may become small, not giving you the rest you deserve.

150 x 195 cm

If you want to combine all the features we’ve already mentioned, but don’t want a “monstrous” size mattress, look no further. This is the mattress measurement that will fit perfectly.

Whole family in the same bed? Pets? Children and parents? Highs and lows? They all fit! 

160 x 200 cm

The dimensions of your room are generous. and do you want to invest in a spacious mattress for you and your better half? Then look no further, this is your measure of dream!

A mattress of this size will give you the freedom of movement you crave, while reducing possible muscle pain, increasing comfort during the night by 200%.

It is perfectly adaptable to a medium-sized room and should be combined with a base of the same size.

180 x 200 cm

This mattress is one of the largest you can find on the market. There are also those who call him King Size

It is quite spacious and offers the greatest possible freedom of movement. It's as if they were sleeping alone, while maintaining all the space in the world. 

It is ideal for couples who need a lot of space, or who move a lot during the night. Even if one of the elements wakes up in the most inhospitable positions, it will certainly not bother the other. 

This mattress is recommended for when children They don't like to sleep alone and jump into their parents' bed whenever they can. And not only. The four-legged friend who only likes to sleep with his owners is also welcome here.

But pay attention! Having a large room is essential to be able to have this type of mattress. 

200 x 200 cm

This is the largest double mattress size on the market. 

If you are interested in having this mattress, don't forget that the dimensions of the room should be the most important factor to take into account. 

Your room should be large enough so that the bed does not take up the entire room. You must have circulation space.

At Colmol we have custom-made mattresses, adapted to your needs. The choice must always be made by you, I take into account all the options we present to you. The size of your room counts, but your well-being is always the most important thing.

From mattress to bedding: how to create a dream combination

When choosing the size of your mattress, it is very important to pay attention to the bedding! Make sure your sheets, pillowcases and comforters match the size of your new mattress. This way, you avoid discomfort at bedtime and everything becomes more “cute”!

What do you think of the idea of thinking about the complete set right away? At Colmol, you will find several packs consisting of carefully selected mattresses, bedding and accessories for a comfortable and hassle-free sleeping experience. Ah…! And what’s more, they’re an excellent way to save money!

Thanks to our packs, you take home not just a mattress, but a complete package of comfort and style. So, from head to toe, make your choices carefully and create the perfect environment for a good night's rest.

At Colmol, our priority is the satisfaction of those looking to improve their night's rest through effective and quality products. Our team of Specialists do Sono We provide personalized advice on a daily basis, adapted to the needs of each client who comes to us. 

If you are looking for this specialized help, you can contact us directly at::

  • call +351 300 600 110
  • or send us your questions to

We are always available to help you… and your sleep 🧡


Having doubts about choosing the ideal size for your mattress? Share them in the commentstarios ⬇️💬


  • Olá Maria! Obrigado pelo seu contacto. O colchão seria para criança ou adulto? Também contactamos por email. Até já! 😊

  • Pretendo um colchâo viscó elástico com as medidas de 1,95 comprimento e 95 de largura.

    Maria Manuela pereira Pinto Caeiro

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