What's the meaning of dreams? Find out now.

Understanding what dreams mean is an interesting topic to say the least. How many times have you dreamed of something that has not left your mind all day? 


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Dreams are symbols, images or episodes that feed curiosity about what they really mean.

They're not random. Dreams are our unconscious mind's way of communicating with us: they always serve to teach us something or pass on a message.

Dreaming about snakes, dreaming about teeth or dreaming about mice can seem strange, but very common. The meaning of dreams differs from person to person, so there are similar dreams that most of us experience throughout our lives.

The meaning of dreams has, above all, a non-scientific aspect, because it is closely associated with popular beliefs, which attribute to each episode a certain unproven explanation.

During sleep, we can to travel, to be in fantastic or dark places and even to experience what we have never experienced. We go through experiences that may seem very real but that are just signs that our subconscious gives us.



Facts about dreams

  • Happen in REM Phase
  • On average, we dream for 90 minutes
  • Often this process can take more than 2 hours!! 
  • A person, during his lifetime, spends 6 years dreaming
  • We can have, on average, 4 to 7 different dreams in a single night.
  • We don't understand or remember dreams 95% of the time we dream

Interesting, isn't it?



The phases of dreams

According to psychology, our most hidden desires can, in a way, be fulfilled during sleep. And that's why there are those dreams that know so well that when we wake up, we just want to go back to sleep so they can continue. 

On the other side of the coin, there are also nightmares, which can make us extremely worried and scared, which makes us just want to forget about them and pretend they didn't happen.

In Greek mythology, dreams played an essential role, as they were considered a mode of communication between the divine and earthly worlds, through which the gods passed messages to mortals.

Much later, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, studied dreams in depth.

In his investigations, he defined dreams as manifestations of deepest desires and emotions, often related to repressed memories or obsessions in the childhood.

There are also other theories that argue that dreams help our ability to memory and in problem solving, with the most skeptical researchers attributing dreams to the result of random brain activation.

In Freud's book, The Interpretation of Dreams, the dream is described as having a more concrete and a more symbolic meaning. The dream is, therefore, a good clue to get to know ourselves, understand our desires and solve what worries us.


Freud attributes 4 phases to the act of dreaming:

1. Condensation

The various ideas and concepts that go through our heads while we dream are condensed into a single thought or image.

2. Displacement

This is the phase of the dream in which the emotional meaning of what we dream is disguised, shuffling the important parts with the insignificant ones.

3. Symbolization

Here symbols are attributed to things: the repressed ideas contained in the dream are transformed into objects that symbolize them.

4. Secondary Review

This is the final stage of dreams, where their strangest elements are rearranged to make the dream understandable. It is here that what will be the content of the dream is generated.

 imagem sonho significado sonhar








We all dream. It's inevitable

If, when you wake up, you think you haven't dreamed, nope.  We all dream during the night, about different things and several times. Just because you don't remember doesn't mean you didn't. 

It's normal. It's your body coming back to reality.

How many times have you woken up remembering a dream, and it fades away the next minute? No, you don't have a fish memory. This is also quite common. 

In this case, if you really want to know more about your dreams, it's very simple:

  • Always put paper and pen on the bedside table and write down everything you remember as soon as you wake up
  • Describe your dream in general, always thinking about the passage that most affected you and what elements/episodes stood out in the dream (ex: objects, animals, people, events)

I'm sure you'll have a collection of stories very funny!








The meaning of dreams

As we have already mentioned, dreams are conceptions of the elements of our life.

Calvin S. Hall, another dream researcher, linked the various patterns and analyzed thousands of dream diaries of participants in his studies.

This allowed him to create a system that defines what you should take into account to best assess the meaning of dreams. It is important to understand which:

  • yours actions in the dream
  • you objects e as figures that appear in the dream
  • yours interactions in the dream with other people/characters 
  • transitions, configuration and result of the dream

So, keep an eye out for these topics the next time you dream. Aim for everything, and let nothing escape you!

After recording everything you dreamed of, following all our tips, you can move on to the next step (the most interesting and the cutest!): really understand what the dream means. 

The real objective of understanding what the dream means is to know more about yourself. Don't forget that self-knowledge is the key to a happier life!


Next, we present some clues of what dreams about:


Calm! It doesn't have to be a bad thing. It doesn't mean you're going to die tomorrow or that someone close to you is going to die. It's just a warning that has nothing to do with death itself.

To dream that you are dying or that you are with someone who has passed away, means that you must evaluate your friendships, because there is someone who is influencing you negatively.

It can also mean that you must resolve problems and negative feelings that don't leave you alone with people who have passed away.

If a person who died a long time ago appears in your dream, it means that the situation at that moment in the dream reminds you of something that has to do with the characteristics of that person.

To dream about the murder of another person can mean that there is a negative feeling that you are repressing, or that you feel rage from you or someone else.

If, on the other hand, you dream that someone wants to kill you, it could mean that a important relationship or feeling is over in your life.


Means anxiety in relation to some aspect of life.

If there is something that you worries, this kind of dream will attest to that.


It may mean that you are to escape of a situation or problem, and that you should resolve it quickly.

Do you feel yourself? dead end in relation to something, it is very likely that you dream that someone is after you.


It could mean you have fear of being a bad mother or a bad father.

If you dream that you are pregnant, it may mean that you are something to grow (eg a feeling, an attitude, a relationship).


It means you might be trying unite two opposite things in your life.

It's a warning for you to be careful with the promises what do you do or what are you assuming unnecessary responsibilities.  

Analyze what is happening in your life and what your objectives.


To dream of snakes means that there may have been a betrayal from a friend. 

The fear of the snake also represents some fear in relation to sex life, intimacy and commitment.

Killing or trying to kill a snake may mean that you are trying compensate something that is missing in your life.

It could mean that there is some news in your life that you're not paying attention. You must pay attention to the small details!


To dream of mice/rats symbolizes that there may be someone to take advantage of your friendship and trust.

Dreaming of killing a mouse is a sign of a rupture with a person.

It could mean you're disillusioned with you.


Dreaming about teeth can also seem a bit strange, but it happens often.

If you dream of perfect, white and shiny teeth, it means that you are going through a very good phase in your life.

Dreaming of teeth falling out can mean that someone close is fragile.

Dreaming about teething is a good thing. It could mean that someone close to you will have one baby or that good stuff will happen. 

It might mean that you should reflect about your thoughts and feelings and the way you express yourself and deal with other people.



We remind you that all these definitions are based on popular culture. They should not be taken so literally, which is not to say that these things are actually happening. Interpret this as a set of clues, a guide that can lead you in the right direction. 


At Colmol, our priority is the satisfaction of those who seek to improve their nights rest through effective and quality products. our team of Sleep Specialists provides personalized advice on a daily basis, adapted to the needs of each client who comes to us. 

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After a whole night of dreaming, do you usually go and research its meaning? ⬇️💬

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